Isabelle Joshua

Monday, April 11, 2016

Happiness and Disappointments

I am so happy and ecstatic to hear back from readers that loved my book, The Swallow. I love talking with them about the characters, finding out what they liked and what bugged them or frustrated them by the characters. I find that no matter how much you love a book, it will frustrate you at some point because the characters if written well are flawed and make mistakes and you as the observant reader know what the mistake is before the protagonist, and it's frustrating.  But I believe we grow more from our failures than our success. When we're successful, we try to emulate it and hope to get the same result, really no growth. But when we fail, we are forced to evaluate what didn't work and make adjustments, although uncomfortable and unwanted, the growth happens when we change.

So I join the innumerable group of authors that write well, readers love, and yet the book doesn't sell or in my case trickles in sales. So you evaluate, and since the book is published, there isn't much to do with it except change tactics for advertising and marketing. Tedious and hit or miss.  Despite the disappointments from slow sales and tedious work required to get even those few sales, I am catapulted into the atmosphere of jubilation when I hear back from readers telling me that they liked it or even loved my book. That they can't wait for the next book, that they fell in love with Kathryn and Alex just as I did writing their story.

So I encourage all readers to tell the author what you think of their book, even it is a few words as "Loved it, couldn't put it down."  or "Great book!" or "Good story, had some issues but enjoyed it." Whatever it may be, as writers we write to quick the story playing in our head and to share it with others. And we love to hear that someone else liked the story you told!

Take care and keep reading!


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