Isabelle Joshua

Friday, January 27, 2017

Why Am I EXCITED about a 2 star review of my book, The Swallow?

The Swallow just got a 2 out of 5 stars by an ARC reader I sent it to back in March 2016. Why am I sharing it and excited? Because even though she only thought it was okay, I felt it was an honest review of my book, and it is exactly what I wanted. I wanted to write a very realistic book even and make it believable. See for yourself...
After reading The Swallow, an advanced copy given to me, I can say that this was an ok story. It took me awhile to read it because in my opinion it was a bit to realistic for my taste. Nevertheless, I did like reading about Kathryn`s story. There were a few moments where I was wondering if the author thought of taking another angle then the one she took. I love the emotional experience that is written in The Swallow. I didn't like the she loss her memory, but I loved how aware to brain injuries is used here. I would recommend The Swallow to those looking for realistic stories.
Years ago, I learned to take constructive criticism, and it has served me well.  I love it when a reader connects with the book I wrote and adores every part of it.  But I am grateful for the reader that didn't like it or thought it was okay and shared why.  That helps me improve as a writer and also opens my eyes to what I really like in the books I read and write.

How are you at criticism? 

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