Goodreads asked Isabelle Joshua:
Who is your favorite fictional couple, and why?

Isabelle Joshua Gosh, this is so hard to answer. First there are so many beloved couples in books but the ones that I am thinking of have issues that don't make them my favorite like Scarlett and Rhett don't end up together until the sequel (which wasn't written by Margaret Mitchell) or Elizabeth and Darcy (love them, but we don't see them together much to know how they are except before they are a couple). Maybe, America and Prince Maxim from The Selection Series but they don't feel like my favorite. Or Rebecca Bloomwood and Luke Brandon from Shopaholic Series but he's always so busy. Or Tris and Four but gosh that's so tragic, and they are barely together as a couple. Oh, but I do love Juliette and Warner from Shatter Me series, they might take it because of their story is so dramatic and hot. But they aren't together as a good couple until the end, which once they are together it is so good. Until I can think of a better couple, which usually is the couple that I am currently reading, I think Tahereh Mafi's Shatter Me couple Juliette and Warner are it for me right now. Sorry, that was long, but I love romance and want every couple to end up together.
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